Friday, October 18, 2013

Sleep Therapy for Fears

      hi nubs!im sorry i haven't been on in like, two weeks? I  wasn't assigned a topic for a while, but the good news is, I am back! And i'm allowed to choose my own topic!!!! I will be talking about how certain scents affect your memory when you sleep. It's kind of a weird topic, but it's kind of interesting. 

So, recently, their have been experiments for this. Based off research, sleep alone will not cure your fears. there has to be a components. (to see full article, press here <-)
 scientists think that certain scents can cure fears.The trick: getting that shut-eye in a room that carries a scent linked with those fears. 
"its a remarkable finding."
Edward Pace-Schott
"Brain scans showed that sleep-scent training altered parts of the brain involved with memories and emotions."
the process is not yet completed, but the main goal: get over fears. if someone is afraid of spiders, to get them to be able to touch one.

hey guyss. i know it inst too interesting, but the assignment was to find something that was happening currently in science.. so ya. um if you would like to use the graphics i have here are the links. (ik i haven't used them in a while)
sleeping Winnie the pooh
sleeping Kerby

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